Submission Guidelines

Wild Garlic publishes three times per year, with issues organized around a theme or question. Submissions are currently CLOSED. We will be accepting submissions again in Spring 2024

Wild Garlic accepts submissions from women-identified writers anywhere in the world, but holds space especially for emerging writers from the Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group–visit our page on if you are interested in joining. Please send submissions to

All submissions will be read blind by our team.

We seek to publish of writing in any genre which has some relationship to the issue’s theme. Word count limit is capped at 5,000 words. Wild Garlic accepts simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your submission is accepted elsewhere so we may withdraw it. We gladly accept submissions with visual components (painting, drawing, comics) as well. We prefer writing submissions to be sent in MS Word or Google Docs, and visual submissions as PDFs or high-resolution JPGs.